Category: SQLFriends

SQLFriends Lunch #6 – Minneapolis UPDATED

SQLFriends is a chance for members of #sqlfamily to gather together, have some lunch, and talk about various topics with a “host” that has been making a difference in the SQL Community. Past SQLFriends hosts include the following fine people:Photo

Brent Ozar (blog | Twitter)

Ted Krueger (blog | Twitter)

Jason Strate (blog | Twitter)

Jes Borland (blog | Twitter)

Dan English (blog | Twitter)

UPDATE: The June 28th lunch could not occur due to my contracting a pestilence I didn’t want to share.

On June 28th August 2nd, at Hell’s Kitchen in downtown Minneapolis, there will be another installment in the fantastic SQLFriends lunch series. And, the host this time around will be little old me. I am really honored and delighted to take part in this. Come have some excellent food, great conversation, and totally shameless puns with other members of our #sqlfamily. Bring your questions about Business Intelligence, Consulting, Blogging, Presenting, being a PASS Regional Mentor, and my experiences at PASS Summit, the PASS Business Analytics Conference,  SQL Saturday events and TechEd North America.

You can register for the event by clicking this delicious link: BACON